Thunderclan, Fierce and Brave;

Welcome to Thunderclan camp. Feel free to visit, but don't dwell too long. As long as you're a Thunderclan cat, make sure you get a good rest after your patrols.

Thunderclan camp


Leader's Den

Firestar is a ginger tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes. Both of her parents are dead and so are all of her kin. She is the youngest leader of all the clans. She is fast and strong for her age and she is a smart adventurer who loves to take risks. She hopes that she can have a mate someday and she is wise with all of her choices. 
Lives: 9
Current Apprentice: Specklekit
Kit name: Firekit
Apprentice name: Firepaw
Warrior name: Fireheart
Current Apprentice: Specklepaw


Warrior's Den

 Rainpelt is a grey-ish she-cat with stripes and mysterious purple eyes. She is a dreamer, and is rarely interested in her warrior duties. Nettlesplash was her brother and former clanmate, who died in battle. She is not interested in toms and she loves playing with the kits. She is a bit rebellious and selfish but would never harm a clanmate.
Kit name: Rainkit
Apprentice name: Rainpaw
Warrior name: Rainpelt
Current apprentice:


Jayfeather is a blue-gray tom with icy blue eyes. He is a Thunderclan warrior but is also good at medicines and herbs (probably from watching his crush Hazeleye). He is smart, strong and kind. But if you do anything to harm one of his clan mates, you'll be crowfood.
Kit name: Jaykit
Apprentice name: Jaypaw
Warrior name: Jayfeather
Current apprentice:

Apprentice's Den

Specklepaw is an adventurous tortoiseshell tom. He is stubborn and a bit rebellious. Like all young cats, he hopes to become Firestar's deputy. He is loyal to Thunderclan, but can stray a bit too far into other clan territories. 
Kit name: Specklekit
Apprentice name: Specklepaw, 28th May 2011
Warrior name:
Mentor: Firestar

Medicine Cat's Den

Hazeleye is a long-haired ginger calico she-cat with hazel eyes. She is hyper, clumsy but quite intelligent. At only 9 moons she became Thunderclan's youngest medicine cat. She was born a clan cat, but was taken by a cruel twoleg until she escaped from her home and finally back into the forest.
Kit name: Hazelkit
Apprentice name: Hazelpaw
Medicine cat name: Hazeleye
Current apprentice: